Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Area Around My Mole Hurts

THOUSANDS PROTEST homophobic discourse Apostle Boyd K. PACKER

Monday, July 26, 2010

Female Masterbation Ipod

will be formed a group of Affirmation in Lima

Peruan invite the @ s @ s LDS gays to participate

Dennis, a former missionary who lives in Lima Peru, is forming a group of Affirmation. If you are gay or lesbian, if you live in Peru, and if you want to join a group with other Mormons like you, contact Dennis and participate in this initiative.

Affirmation groups meet regularly for social, educational and spiritual. Tod @ s are welcome regardless of whether you're active @, @ inactive, or if you have been excommunicated from the Church. Contact

Dennis Dennis tells her story

Friday, July 16, 2010

2010 Outboard Motor Comparison


Good news from Argentina, what they mean to us


"How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, who proclaim peace, that bringeth good tidings of good, who publishes salvation." (Isaiah 52:7.).

Glad tidings, good news, announcements of peace ... that is what had significantly Recent news from neighboring Argentina.
Finally, in a marathon session of the Senate, and at dawn, 33 votes in favor, 27 against and 3 abstentions, gave final approval to a bill creating marriage equality for all and for all.
Since yesterday afternoon, many and many were in a vigil, following alternatives in the Argentine Senate debate, mostly clustered around the activities programmed by the Movement for Homosexual Integration and Liberation Chile, Movilh organization with which Chile statement works from the beginning and who are part of the Chilean Federation of Sexual Diversity (FEDISECH).
suffer when the vote appeared to be contrary, every time we were glad that the vote favored the bill under discussion.
Finally, came the result, at about four o'clock on Thursday, 15. Our emotions were overflowing and many of us to hug and cry with joy and we welcome this momentous triumph of Argentina Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender-FALGBT-and the entire LGBT community in Argentina, we did win also ours.
There are many things that unite us with Argentina, as our eternal quarrels of brothers who, despite everything they love, from Argentina came the Army Liberator that ended with the victory of Maipú and consolidation of national independence, which both countries are celebrating this year the Bicentennial.
However, the struggle continues, to continue to build and solidify these rights, and to forever recognize the same rights with the same names for all and for all.
To put the Gospel, the events in Argentina are "to give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace." (Luke 1:79.).
from now our brothers and sisters and Argentine lgbt not dwell in darkness, nor shadow of death, which is what discrimination is, they can direct their feet, their steps along the paths of peace, which is what it means to be recognized as full citizens, full.
We are grateful to each and everyone who made this possible, and congratulations to you all who took part in this struggle for civil rights.
And we look forward to the Chilean authorities, and our representatives in Parliament, begin to open their eyes and take positive steps in the same direction. We hope. Affirmation
Chile will continue working with other organizations of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans national Chile also in the not too distant recognize the same rights with the same names for all and for all, without any discrimination, exclusion and condemnation because of race, ethnicity, nationality, socioeconomic status, place of residence, language, ideology or political opinion, trade union membership or participation in trade associations, sex, gender , sexual orientation, marital status, age, affiliation, personal appearance, illness or disability.

Windows Blinds Activieren


Affirmation friends, our sisters and brothers of Affirmation Brazil held a conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 21 and August 22, 2010. There are people interested in attending Conference, but we lack the funds for the success. That's why we ask, if they can make a donation to the organization of this event, whatever the amount that can help us, get in communication with Lucinaldo Bezerra da Mata, writing or We thank you all and any cooperation from you.

London Fuit E Herb Company


Brazil's Conference 2010 will be held in Rio de Janeiro:

question presents:

LEVANTE-SE! Conference of Afirmação Brazil 2010.

The Affirmation Conference 2010 will be held in Brazil Rio de Janeiro
on 21-22 August 2010.

We are excited to announce that the 2010 Affirmation Conference will be held in the beautiful city overlooking the sea ... RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL!

invite everyone to join us for 21 and 22 August 2010 in the wonderful City to get up and make a difference.

The theme for 2010 is the conference of Affirmation: Affirmation STAND UP! The American cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead once said: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world. It the only thing that ever has. "It's our time and calling to be a change in the world. As such, we invite you to stand up for what you believe.

As you prepare for our next conference, consider what you stand for:

. Stand up for love
. Stand up for Equality
. Stand up for the Respect
. Stand up for Marriage
. Stand up for Justice
. Stand up for Freedom
. Stand up for Free
. Stand up for Life

We are also pleased to announce that the cost per person is $ 200.00 (inclusive meals + accommodation + transportation)
We will have a tour
(visitation, etc.). No matter whether you have religion or not or what it is. All and all are welcome. Come make new friends and girlfriends. We will have many group activities.

Contacts for Information and reservations: or

What To Put In Your Shoes To Make You Taller

The Mormon Church sent a letter to Argentina against the equal right to marry again

La letter tiene un mensaje cipher: Apoyen asistan y demostración del martes a la ...

La Mormon Hierarchy and North American casualty Tuvo una nueva en la mira: La ley for equal marriage rights was discussed on 15 July in Argentina. Affirmation: Gay Mormons and Mormon Lesbian obtained a copy of the letter that was read on Sunday July 11 in all units of the Mormon church in the area of \u200b\u200bBuenos Aires.

"Marriage is between a man and a woman is ordained of God," the letter states. The letter is signed by the president of the Mormon world, Thomas S. Monson and his two counselors.

Nobody can be so naive to believe that the letter, sent only to the area of \u200b\u200bBuenos Aires, to be read two days before the demonstration Catholic, is accidental. The card has an encrypted message: Support and attend the show Catholic on Tuesday.

The hierarchy of the Catholic Church mounted a demonstration against the equity on Tuesday, the day before the law began to be debated in the Senate. Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio stated in a letter that this is "a war of God," and it is expected that Catholic schools bused thousands of students and force them to attend the show seem more massive.

"For the current leaders of the Mormon Church, to obey strictly the 'living prophet' is more important than the dictates of our conscience," lamented a Mormon historian D. Michael Quinn.

The letter from the First Presidency does not explain why, if marriage is between a man and a woman, Mormons continue to believe and practice polygamy. The theological basis of the polygamy section 132 of the Doctrine and Covenants. In April 2006, the apostle M. Russell Nelson, who previously widowed, married "for time and eternity with his second wife, becoming a polygamist heaven and receiving the promise that in heaven will have two wives. So why talk about that marriage is only between a man and a woman? Why continue to practice polygamy if it has been superseded by a revelation from the Lord? Does the word of the Lord is under importance and validity than men?

Since 2006 the Mormon Church has been part of an international coalition to fight against gay families and against equal rights for women. In 2005 the British journalist Brian Whitaker revealed that the coalition includes Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a Muslim scholar who is in favor of wife beating, by Alfonso Trujillo, a Catholic cardinal pontificates against the use of condoms and Mahathir Mohamad, the dictatorial former prime minister of Malaysia.

Beginning in late 1990, the Mormon Church and fought aggressively lobbied against gay and lesbian families in Utah, Hawaii, Washington, Alaska, New Mexico, California, Nevada, Nebraska, Texas and other states of the Union. In California the Mormon Church was that Mormons contribute $ 30 million of a total of 42 million joined in the campaign against equality.

The Fair Political Practices Commission recently ruled that the aggressive campaign by the Mormon church violated tax law of California and ordered the Mormon Church to pay thousands of dollars in fines due to their practices. This is not our leaders tell us, does not appear in the Ensign, but it is easy to learn the details of this simple fact looking through the internet and in newspapers Utah.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mature Women Wearing Open End Girdles

The Mormon Church to meddle in politics

There are similarities between this political campaign and the campaigns that the Church has in the past against women and against black people

Seba Martinez

August 2008 he commanded the First Presidency members California a policy directive: Make every effort to deny gay and lesbian couples the right to marry. The message was read in sacrament meeting of all the wards and branches of the Church in the State of California on 29 June.
In May 2008 the Supreme Court of California issued a statement legalizing marriage between same-sex, explaining that Failure to do so would discriminate against gay and lesbian people. The Mormon Church immediately began to mobilize against the decision of the court.
However, not all Mormons are in favor of the ban. Mormons several groups have expressed their opposition to deny gay people the right to marry, including, and
"Marriage between persons of the same sex does not harm or affect traditional marriage," says a page on the website "We believe that monogamy and marriage are two of the most sacred institutions of this life, regardless of whether the parties are a hetero couple or a gay couple. "
Leaders of Affirmation: Gay Mormons and Mormon Lesbian, also spoke in favor of equality. The executive committee recently issued a statement reaffirming that "two adults who love each other should have the right to live together in a relationship characterized by loyalty and love, with the same legal protections and civil society has established for married people. "
In an article written in 2001, the Mormon historian D. Michael Quinn explained that there are similarities between the political campaign by the Mormon Church is against gay people and political campaigns that the Church made in the past against women and against black people.
For example, between 1975 and 1982 the Mormon Church mounted a campaign against a proposal that would have guaranteed women equal rights. Until the 1950's, the Church made extensive efforts against the rights of black people, and in 1947, the First Presidency declared that "marriage between blacks and whites [is] a concept that has caused repugnance to all normal people from the time of the Patriarchs to the present. "