Classes can be taken in person or virtual
basic Hebrew This course can be taken in person, for those living in the Greater Valparaiso. Formal classes start next Saturday July 1, 2006, at 20:00. The same course is presented in virtual form, with all the same materials and study. To do this, simply send an email requesting registration, which should include all personal details: full name, school, date of birth, address real and virtual address for shipment of the study. The course of Hebrew is not doctrinal, not invading the fields of theology, doctrine or exegesis, but prepared so that each individual can understand, understand, analyze and explain the meaning of Hebrew words, starting from the origin, Hebrew, and through their pronunciation and basic meaning, even to the extent of carrying out whole passages verbatim translations of the Tanakh, the Bible in your language original.Los campus students will receive the printed material according to the advance of classes. Virtual students will receive all materials via email in the form of PDF files. All students, virtual or receive a CD containing essential tools and resources for personal study of the Scriptures, in Hebrew, Greek, English and English. Among the resources you can count BibleOnline systems, E-Sword, Compubiblia and electronic editions of the Hebrew Bible, the Septuagint, the Latin Vulgate and the King James Version (in English), Authorized Version ( English), and about a dozen other versions and translations, and Bible dictionaries, dictionaries Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek, comments on the books of the Bible, history and geography topics Bible, photographs, and much more. The commercial value of these programs, software and electronic documents is very high if one wishes to acquire rn personally. The issues that arise on the CD are freeware or shareware, but fully functional and tested all previamente.Pero the most important is the knowledge that one adquirirĂ¡.Esta is a great opportunity to learn basic concepts of Hebrew, Greek, exegetical and everyday issues related to homosexuality, scriptural mormonismo.Puedes and take a look at the following link to give you an idea of \u200b\u200b contents of the first class. not be left out!
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