Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Coconut Cider Vinegsr

WRONG LESSONS SUD recognizes the existence of Affirmation

Affirmation continues today, making an annual conference, publishing a newspaper, and supporting social and spiritual events. " By Matt Christensen

For the first time in history, a volume published by Deseret Book recognizes the existence of Affirmation: Gay Mormons and Mormon Lesbian. Edward L. Kimball is the author of lengthen Your Stride: The Presidency of Spencer W. Kimball (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book, 2005) and son of the late President Kimball. In a section detailing the rhetoric and anti-gay actions of President Kimball, Edward Kimball says:

In 1977, too, Mormons and Mormon gays lesbians began to publicize his views that homosexuality is "curable" and that homosexual acts based on "mature loving intimacy" can be accepted as essential in developing a strong personality. They organized Affirmation, a support group also has chapters in most major cities nationwide. (Page 87.).

In a footnote on the page, Edward Kimball says "Affirmation continues today, making an annual conference, publishing a newspaper, and supporting social and spiritual events."

We are delighted that Edward Kimball is equivalent to admit, unlike most church leaders (who blatantly lie and say he knew nothing about the existence of Affirmation), which exists Affirmation. The next step should be for LDS leaders to stop using vague euphemisms and circumlocutions and call us as we really and truly are: Mormon gay and lesbian Mormons.


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