Thursday, April 28, 2011

Halloween Funny Tombstone Names

WHAT IS TO BE A LESBIAN? Visions and Blessings

by Brus Leagues

A conversation with Roxana Lopez, Affirmation Tucumán, Argentina.

was long ago when I learned that a lesbian is a woman who is for pleasure with another woman. Then I realized that I could be out of affection, love, sex, etc. Eventually, I realized that telling lesbian, is also a political fact of visibility of women in a patriarchal world, very different to tell female homosexuals. The word homosexual, currently is in the collective imagination as a gay man, and feminine adjective would become arbitrary. However, lesbians may be equally, despite this, women identified as homosexual or gay women. It is a matter of preference. And culture as well.
Well, the thing is called not merely to stay in generic has come the need to talk a little about what being a lesbian. Obviously I can not say firsthand, I have to find out, ask, investigate, and reach an understanding that may not be academic but that it meets the information needs of people and importantly, the daily reality that beyond the classifications, definitions and categorizations and we are accustomed to pigeonholing.
conversations between different places, I realized that there are lesbians who have never adhered to the definition of lesbian is a woman who loves another woman. Many women now understand lesbianism as a political category and not as a circumstance amatory / love / "cyclical? ... If not love, is not it? And if not loved, returns to the heterosexual norm?
Later in my walk through life, and by dint of gibberish, speeches, statements and many other things, including books and spiritual leaders, I realized that being a lesbian was not normal, since the standard was not established social and culturally that they were assigned at birth. Lesbians rebel against the heteronormative and choose to be part of a sexual dissidence. There are many who choose this tool to be run in the given box, not comply with "equal rights" because that would imply the continuity of a society they seek to change, being radical, aiming to transform this society from the core.
From this view outside the square and freedom policy also gives me the indispensable tool of rebellion, I was able to continue watching through behaviors that are opposed to the strict rules of an oppressive system and computer.
The idea of \u200b\u200bmany lesbian women is to review and (re) create life forms that take them to live in harmony with their bodies, pleasures, desires, loves, reinventing their own codes. Without private ownership of bodies and desires instituted. Being a lover free does not mean necessarily be every day with somebody else, is to revolutionize practices and forms, is to reappropriate their bodies is to be in constant communication with themselves. Also with their fantasies and needs. While
about their daily lives, look at people, look, look at the clothes, attitudes, embraces and find that their desire is not always at odds with their gender. While some are not always know or want to be "feminine" but feminists, because it is also understood that being a woman is not synonymous with women. The genres are many variables, nomads. I imagine that if we could break, fall a lot of bits and so would disintegrate. Finally end up with the binomial hegemonic masculinity versus femininity, and then we could open the door and invite in as many intermediate varieties, unimaginable until now.
The same break could do about sexualities.
a friend, or rather, a close acquaintance, told me one day, just around the corner, found a small street with an open book of Beauvoir, "Woman is not born, it does." Read it and kept walking, hands in his pockets, and thinking what a woman is in this society: home-up heterosexual and monogamous, coupled with being a homeowner forever, procreation obligatory crying, make the food to her husband, ironing his shirts and trousers, raise the wet towel off the floor, not to mention the obligatory sex boring in and out compulsive than today should also work outside the home (as she considers the best of all). Annabella told me one day, walking along the beach on a beautiful summer evening, wondering if he put her head down hesitant and stones in his pockets and slowly entered the water as Alfonsina style, he saw a unidentified object to her. Finally turned out to be a bottle with a paper inside! He brought a message! "Lesbians are not women. Monique Wittig. " Ahhh girl, that you sigh ...
One of the latest discoveries is that there are lesbians who are, sometimes, with men and lesbians remain. Well, that's no discovery, they have always known. Us too.
Surely, being lesbian is a world, rather, a universe, which for many and many is unknown and unintelligible, but it is the daily reality experienced by thousands of women in this country and all countries, you know different, they crave the same rights as other people, no more, no less. And are women as full and normal as all women, with the same abilities, dreams, desires, yearnings and motivations, normal people have the same dignity as other women and men, by the mere fact of being people.
After watching the wonderful late afternoon on the hills that border the valley of Quilpué the west, back to the beginning, what is a lesbian?
Then, I spoke with Roxana. She is a woman who has great integrity, who has a testimony of the Gospel, and his own life experience. And this is what she says about herself:

What is a lesbian? It seems a simple question deserves a simple answer but it is not. Could reply that being a lesbian is just a reference to a woman who loves another woman. However it is not correct. This is just what is observed in a superficial manner. So ... What is a lesbian? I think to answer this question is an earlier and much deeper, who is a lesbian? Well, if we start from the first response, ie a woman who loves another woman, we find the fundamental concept: this concept is being female. Until now we find that a lesbian is a woman. At this point there are other questions. First Do all women are lesbians or could potentially be? Of course not. So only when a woman loves another is a lesbian? And I answer: Strictly no.
What is a lesbian? There are lesbians who live in silence, never dare to accept themselves and, much less open their mouths to express their feelings or ideas. An inner fear paralyzes them to that part which refuses to open a door in your life. So stop being "lesbians? Strictly no.
are lesbians after a long internal process accepting their sexuality but by choice never do in public. Continue their lives in the silence. So stop being "lesbians? Strictly no. There
lesbian motivated by the desire to build a family, couples are having children, either within marriage or outside it, with a man. "Stop being lesbians have stood by a man? Strictly no.
"stop being lesbians have children? There is absolutely no
lesbians who engage in political activism, fighting for the rights of the LGBT community, show their faces. Are they the authentic lesbian? There is absolutely no lesbian
for which religious consecration is what gives meaning to their lives in service to others and God. They stop being "lesbians? Strictly no
So ... What is a lesbian?
Being a lesbian is to be the woman who learned to love and value yourself as a person and human being. A lesbian is a woman following the discovery of the richness of his inner world, questions in permanent roles, myths, stereotypes of gender culture assigned to men and women. A lesbian is a woman who resists terms that were unfair or potential for improvement. A lesbian is a woman who believes in equality regardless of gender, race, class or religion, among other things, creates and recreates strategies to fight for it.
What is a lesbian? Being a lesbian is an intimate act, not privacy. It is a construction which is accessed after deconstructing the self ... being in the depths of being Who am I? What do I like? What I dislike? How do I feel? These are just questions that make up this internal dialect. Being a lesbian is looking in the mirror the soul and say "I am a woman" I love you, I am valuable and face the world from my own dignity, walking with my feet and basically letting my guides are the heart, intuition and reason.

I am left with this impression first hand, first-hand as well, to keep learning from what is self and what is not being a lesbian in the world today.
But, given all the statements of leaders and spiritual leaders, can a lesbian be a believer?
Often the answer is no. Too often, our social prejudices lead us to condemn in advance. But how many priests, pastors, rabbis, or is designated as to a particular spiritual leader, have said that the Old Testament does not refer at all to female homosexuality? And that is absolute and final truth: we seek in vain in the Old Testament reference to lesbians, nor by whether or not to.
In fact, throughout the Bible is a single reference to lesbianism, and is in the first chapter of the Letter of the Apostle Paul to the church of the Romans, referring to religious practices that were considered by those so abominable in Christian Church, which in those days was considered and treated as a dangerous cult that destroyed the family and moral values \u200b\u200bof citizens of the Empire.
Again, the testimony Roxana, who actively participates in the activities of Affirmation Tucumán, San Miguel de Tucuman, Argentina, is irrelevant. She is a lesbian, but also is a Mormon and, above all, a woman of faith.

Can a lesbian be a Mormon? Strictly if you can.
My ring which is commonly known among church members HLJ says "Do right"
My hand looks so with dignity, I have been concerned to do things fairly, according to the teachings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, believe in Heavenly Father, I trust him many times I have knelt to pray for a thousand causes, despite my sexual orientation was not without faith. Christ is the Because of my life because it was the first man who dared to question and transgress fees and mandates, because he chose not to heal and bless and who is not, nor oppressed with afflictions to those who requested their services. In his arms there is no exclusion but all and all are equal and we look with eyes of a loving father and blesses us every day, and nobody is left out.
Finally, I would leave an image that is to be Mormon and Lesbian: You feel like a tree, its roots buried deep in good soil, being nourished by the living water of Christ, with its strong and sturdy trunk to meet the vicissitudes of life and branches into the cosmos, like outstretched arms the Creator God and received with love, joy and gratitude to the diversity of creation.
There are many lesbian women who are interested to be an instrument in the hands of our Heavenly Father, many of us prepare to get served efficiently. And do not hesitate to show solidarity in just causes. Sitting for a moment
anywhere and talk to someone who feels hopeless or desperate because he thinks nobody understands him and find security and express confidence that is lesbian or gay, bisexual or trans is a huge step to reality . It is very gratifying to know that you're not on your own, that whoever listens to you is not going to cast doubt on you because it is also gay lesbian or bisexual may or transsexual and understand what happens to you because it has also suffered the same things happen to you today to you ... I've heard of young people who have attempted suicide because their parents refused or did not listen. Others abandon the drugs or lose the interest to be overcome because no one shows them how valuable they are. We discriminadxs in many places and in different ways. Discrimination among nosotrxs be the ugliest thing you ever wanted to be part. I accepted my sexual orientation at a young age, maybe from my 7 years early would my bishop, who actually know my orientation, just as my stake president. In my 17 I met the Mormon church, never knowing that I was baptized I would marry a man. I aspire to have a partner, or at least I tried. I know my decisions have high consequences, I'm ready to assume when the Lord calls me to His presence. For sure when I ask if I was happy, I say yes. Currently I am in love again and hard to believe that also exists within the churches and talk about all the churches in general. Some are visible, others less so and finally there are those who have a double life, not blame them, in all places there are not sympathetic people. We are women who love differently, perhaps especially. We laughed, we cried, we feel, we pray, we have a mother, father, brothers, nephews, friends, neighbors, sorry tickled, and fell in love with people of our same gender. I was also one of those people who needed to open your mouth and be heard, not looking for approval, it would be me ... sorry ... this is what I get. My mother knows, my family. I am a lesbian, I'm Mormon, and I am a very happy woman.

Roxana can write on this note or


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